Moving from

Belgium to Germany

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3.5T Trucks

7.5T (+) Trucks

Car (Taxi / Combo)

Perfect for small boxes, airport pick ups and luggage transfer.

Van (7-17 m3)

Great for moving studio or one bedroom apartments with basic furniture items and boxes.

3.5T Truck (20-24 m3)

Best for 1-2 bedroom apartments, small homes moves and commercials goods.

7.5T (+) Trucks

Best for 2 to 3 room apartments and upto 10 standard size pallets

Things to know before moving to Germany

Moving to a new country is an exciting and life-changing experience, and Germany is a popular destination for expatriates seeking new opportunities, culture, and adventure. Before moving to Germany, it's important to understand the country's healthcare system, learn some basic German phrases, research the cost of living, and familiarize yourself with the visa and residence permit requirements. Additionally, be prepared for a different cultural and social environment compared to your home country.

Peoples: Belgium vs Germany

Belgium is known for its rich culinary heritage, famous chocolates, and diverse linguistic regions, with Dutch, French, and German as official languages. The country is also home to the European Union headquarters in Brussels.

Germany, on the other hand, is known for its efficiency, engineering prowess, and strong economy. The country is famous for its beer, sausages, and a well-developed autobahn network. The official language in Germany is German.

Both countries have their unique charm and cultural traits, and the choice between them may depend on personal preferences, such as language, lifestyle, and career opportunities.

Cost of living in Brussels compared to Berlin

The cost of living in Brussels, Belgium, is generally higher compared to Berlin, Germany. Brussels is known for its higher housing costs, especially in the city center, as well as a relatively higher cost of dining out and entertainment. Additionally, taxes in Belgium tend to be on the higher side.

In contrast, Berlin is often considered more affordable, with lower housing costs, a wide range of budget-friendly dining options, and lower overall living expenses. However, it's important to note that living costs can vary within each city, so it's advisable to research specific neighborhoods and lifestyle choices to get a more accurate cost comparison.


Aspect of Living Brussels Berlin
Rent (1-bedroom apt) €800 - €1,200 €700 - €1,000
Groceries (monthly) €300 - €400 €250 - €350
Groceries (monthly) €300 - €400 €250 - €350
Dining Out (meal) €15 - €30 €10 - €20
Public Transport €50 - €60 €80 - €100
Utilities (monthly) €100 - €150 €150 - €200
Healthcare (public) Covered by social Covered by public
Entertainment €20 - €50 €20 - €40


Differences between living in Brussels compared to Berlin

Living in Brussels is different from living in Berlin in several ways. Brussels is known for its international atmosphere as the de facto capital of the European Union, while Berlin has a more diverse and vibrant arts and music scene. The cost of living in Brussels tends to be higher than in Berlin, particularly in terms of housing. Berlin offers a more relaxed pace of life, while Brussels can feel busier due to its political and bureaucratic activities. Both cities have their unique charm and appeal, so the choice largely depends on personal preferences and priorities.

How difficult is it for EU citizens to move to Germany?

For EU citizens, moving to Germany is relatively straightforward due to the principles of free movement within the European Union. EU citizens have the right to live and work in Germany without needing a visa or residence permit. They only need to register their residence with the local authorities after arriving in Germany, which is a straightforward process. However, it's essential to have health insurance and financial means to support yourself while living in Germany. While the process is generally uncomplicated for EU citizens, it's essential to research specific requirements and regulations, as they can evolve over time.

Pros and cons of moving to Germany


  • Germany has a robust and stable economy with numerous job opportunities, particularly in engineering, technology, and manufacturing sectors.
  • Germany offers a high standard of living, with excellent healthcare, education, and public services.
  • The country is known for its world-class universities and education system, many of which offer programs in English.
  • Germany's central location in Europe makes it easy to travel to other European countries for leisure or work.
  • Germany boasts a rich cultural heritage, with a vibrant arts scene, historical sites, and diverse cuisine.
  • Germany has an extensive and efficient public transportation system, including trains and buses.


  • While English is widely spoken, especially in urban areas, fluency in German is often required for certain jobs and daily life interactions.
  • Dealing with German bureaucracy, especially for visa and residence permits, can be time-consuming and complex.
  • Germany has a temperate climate with cold winters, which may not be appealing to everyone.
  • Major cities like Munich and Frankfurt have a high cost of living, particularly when it comes to housing.
  • While Germany offers job security, the work culture can be demanding, with long working hours in some industries.
  • Adjusting to German culture and customs can be challenging for newcomers, and building social connections may take time.
Health insurance in Germany

In Germany, health insurance is mandatory for all residents, and there are two main types: statutory health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or GKV) and private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung or PKV). Statutory health insurance is compulsory for most employees and offers comprehensive coverage, while private health insurance is available for self-employed individuals and high-income earners, providing more personalized plans. Contributions to statutory health insurance are based on income, while private insurance premiums depend on individual factors like age and health status.

Moving to Germany to study

Studying in Germany offers excellent educational opportunities, with many universities offering programs in English, affordable tuition fees (some even free), and a strong emphasis on research and innovation. In addition to the points mentioned earlier, Germany is known for its high-quality education, diverse range of programs, and a welcoming international student community. It's also a great place to experience a rich cultural heritage and explore Europe while pursuing your studies.

Moving to Germany to work

Moving to Germany to work can be a great opportunity due to its strong economy, job prospects, and high living standards. Germany also offers a stable work environment, excellent healthcare, and a well-developed infrastructure, making it an attractive destination for professionals looking to advance their careers and experience European culture. In addition to the above points, Germany has a strong emphasis on work-life balance, a diverse and skilled workforce, and a relatively low unemployment rate, making it a desirable choice for those seeking employment opportunities abroad.

Tax implications: Differences between Belgium and Berlin

The tax implications in Belgium and Berlin differ mainly in terms of tax rates, social security contributions, and tax deductions. Belgium generally has higher tax rates but offers more extensive social benefits, while Berlin, as part of Germany, has relatively lower tax rates but a different set of deductions and contributions to consider. It's essential to consult with a tax advisor to understand the specific implications based on your individual circumstances.

Quality of Life in Germany

Germany offers a high quality of life with excellent healthcare, education, public transportation, and a strong social safety net. It also boasts a rich cultural scene and beautiful natural landscapes, making it a desirable place to live. Germany provides a stable political environment, low crime rates, and a strong economy, contributing to its overall high quality of life. In addition, Germany promotes a work-life balance, with shorter working hours, generous vacation time, and a strong emphasis on leisure and recreation, enhancing the overall quality of life for its residents.

Why move to Germany from Belgium and vice versa

People may consider moving from Belgium to Germany for career opportunities, a larger economy, or different cultural experiences. Conversely, someone might move from Germany to Belgium for job prospects, lifestyle preferences, or personal reasons. Each choice depends on individual circumstances and goals. Furthermore, moving between Belgium and Germany can offer access to different markets, educational institutions, and social benefits, depending on the specific needs and aspirations of individuals or families.

Moving to Germany as a retiree

Moving to Germany as a retiree can be a viable option, especially if you value Germany's healthcare system, safety, and cultural attractions. However, ensure you meet visa and financial requirements for retirement in Germany. Moreover, Germany offers a range of retirement benefits and a high standard of living, but it's essential to plan and meet the necessary immigration and financial criteria to make your retirement move successful.

Is moving to Germany a good idea?

Moving to Germany can be a good idea depending on your personal goals, such as education, career, quality of life, and cultural experiences. Furthermore, Germany's strong economy, excellent infrastructure, and healthcare system make it an appealing choice for many individuals seeking international opportunities and a high standard of living. However, it's essential to consider your specific circumstances and objectives before making a decision.

Advice for moving to Germany

For a successful move to Germany, research visa requirements, secure housing and employment, learn about local culture, and have financial stability. Furthermore, consider language proficiency, healthcare coverage, and understand tax and legal obligations to ensure a smooth transition when moving to Germany. Networking with expats and seeking guidance from relocation experts can provide valuable insights and assistance for a successful move to Germany.

Ready to move to Germany?

Whether you're ready to move to Germany depends on your preparation and personal circumstances. However, if you do decide to move from Belgium to Germany, Moovick is here to support you. Our company provides a wide range of relocation services. Our professionals will gladly help you pack your belongings and transport them to any place, city or country. Download the Moovick app and take advantage of our services. 

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