Moving services
Handyman services
How can I find help for my tasks on Moovick? ᐳ
How does the pricing work? ᐳ
Can I reschedule a booking? ᐳ
When do I get charged for a booking? ᐳ
Can I cancel a booking after making the payment? ᐳ
How do I contact a Service Provider? ᐳ
What info can I see about Service Provider? ᐳ
What info should I put in the task description? ᐳ
Do I have to leave a review? ᐳ
What methods of payment does Moovick accept? ᐳ
Can Service Providers see my phone number, email or address? ᐳ
How do you look after my privacy on Moovick? ᐳ
Do you provide insurance? ᐳ
Which languages does the platform supports? ᐳ
What are the conditions for using the Hot Deal special offer? ᐳ
How does MoovAI improve my experience as a client? ᐳ
How accurate are the cost estimates provided by MoovAI? ᐳ
Do I need to pay if I stop the service halfway? ᐳ
Have a move, project or a task in mind?
Contact Moovick team to sort it out
Contact Moovick team to sort it out
Are you sure you want to quit?
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