Moving from

Ireland to Italy

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3.5T Trucks

7.5T (+) Trucks

Car (Taxi / Combo)

Perfect for small boxes, airport pick ups and luggage transfer.

Van (7-17 m3)

Great for moving studio or one bedroom apartments with basic furniture items and boxes.

3.5T Truck (20-24 m3)

Best for 1-2 bedroom apartments, small homes moves and commercials goods.

7.5T (+) Trucks

Best for 2 to 3 room apartments and upto 10 standard size pallets

Things to Know Moving from Ireland to Italy

Relocating from Ireland to Italy soon? Bella Vita beckons to you. It's an Italian phrase that means a fulfilling and enjoyable life. When you move from Ireland to Italy, prepare for an epic Italian lease of life. 

It's a well-known fact- Italy is one of the most luxurious countries in the world, and it's home to gourmet cuisines, stunning architecture, and fancy landscapes. Plus,  it has a vibrant history.  

Compared to Ireland, Italy offers a much more vibrant culture and lifestyle, so you'll enjoy living there. 

However, before packing your things, hiring an international mover to ship them down to Italy, and hopping on a plane, there are some things you should know that'll help you move from Ireland to Italy smoothly. 

So, in this article, we'll go over those tips and some FAQs travelers have concerning moving from Ireland to Italy.

Tips On Moving From Ireland To Italy

Understand The Legalities Involved

Moving internationally from Ireland to Italy isn't something you do on a whim. There are legal processes you must follow, and they include:

Getting Your Visa 

Moving from Ireland to Italy is easier if you're an Irish citizen. Being part of the European Union means you don't need a work visa; it also allows you to live and work in Italy. 

But it's mandatory you register your residence at the local town hall. 

On the other hand, if you aren't an Irish citizen, you must apply for a visa months before the date you intend to move. Visa processing can take a long while, and if you want to stay on track with your move from Ireland to Italy, do it on time.

Sort Your Residency 

Registering for residency makes you eligible to use the public Italian healthcare system and makes opening a bank account easier. Thus, registering for residency is mandatory.

The required documents include evidence of income, a passport, proof of address, and the like. 

Plan Your Relocation 

Decide Where Exactly You'll Reside

Before moving from Ireland to Italy, you must decide where you'll stay exactly. Italy is a large country, and there are many topnotch places and cities you can reside in. 

You can stay in Milan, Italy's capital, or a vibrant, colorful city like Venice. However, you must consider your lifestyle preference and financial capacity when deciding where you reside. 

Northern Italy offers a higher cost of living than the southern part. So, if you want to stay in an affordable area, consider staying in south Italy.

Research Housing Options 

You could use online Italian real estate portals like Immobiliaire. it or Subito. it to research housing options before renting a house. If you'd like to buy a home, it's best you begin by renting apartments in Italy.

Experiencing different neighborhoods will give you some knowledge and first-hand experience about the local Italian housing market. 

Budget For Bella Vita

Of course, the classy Italian lifestyle is a costly undertaking. Moving internationally from Ireland to Italy is something you take seriously. You have to plan for it, especially on the financial front. 

As much as the cost of living varies across Italy, certain expenses like utilities might be higher. They could even be higher than in Ireland's larger cities like Dublin. 

This is why you should thoroughly research the Italian social system and have enough money that sustain you for a few months before moving there. 

This way, you'll be comfortable looking for a job and settling in properly. 

Immerse Yourself Into Italian Life

To blend in easily, try as much as possible to learn the Italian dialect spoken in the area you move to. This will make it easier for you to integrate yourself into the Italian social system.

Plus, it'll also open you up to many job opportunities. 

Job Hunting Strategies

As an Irish, when you move from Ireland to Italy, you can reach out to Irish businesses in Italy. Use job-getting platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn to optimize your job acquisition process. 

Also, whether you're Irish or not, there are many job opportunities in Italy. 

The Italian Work Culture

Unlike the work culture you may be accustomed to in Ireland, Italians work with a hierarchical work structure and are big on building relationships with colleagues. 

So, be prepared for longer working hours and longer mid-day breaks. 

What's The Best Place To Live In Italy?

As mentioned earlier, this depends on your lifestyle preferences and financial capacity. Living in northern Italy is more expensive than in the south. 

Thus, do your due diligence to research Italian towns and cities based on your needs- proximity to work, access to amenities and the like. 

How Expensive Is Living In Italy Compared To Ireland?

As much as moving from Ireland to Italy requires a considerable amount of money, the cost of living in Italy varies. In general, it's lower than Dublin's. However, the cost of utilities might be higher. 

So, be sure to budget more than you spend in Ireland for a month when moving to Italy.

Do I Need To Learn Italian?

Yes, you do. At best, English is primarily understood in the tourist areas of Italy. So, if you intend to live in Italy, you'll need to master Italian. It makes it easy for you to blend into the social system and opens up many job opportunities. 

Is It Safe To Move To Italy?

Rest easy: Italy generally has a lower crime rate than many other European countries. However, petty theft can occur in tourist areas, so always be safety-conscious wherever you are. 

What Are Some Things I Might Miss From Ireland?

If you're close-knit with certain Irish foods and traditions, you might miss them when you move to Italy. However, many reputable Italian cities have expat pubs and Irish communities. 

So, you don't have to say goodbye to the Irish lifestyle entirely. 

What Are Some Cultural Differences To Be Aware Of?

Italians are prominent in personal relationships and heavily prioritize family life. Also, they take a much more relaxed time management approach than Ireland. 

So, be prepared to blend in.

Need Help Moving To The Bella Vita Country? Moovick's Here

With a growing workforce of professional international movers, handymen, cleaners, and floor installers around Europe, Moovick has become one of the biggest marketplaces for sourcing experts. 

We know how complicated it could be to relocate to another country. This is why we make things easy for our clients by ensuring they don't worry about shipping their belongings to their newly residing country. 

Need to move out-of-country, intrastate, or interstate? Moovick's the answer. 

Contact us today for your moving needs today. 

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