Which languages does the platform supports?

Our platform primarily supports English, German, and Dutch. However, to make communication clear and smoother, we offer automatic translation in chats for over 30 languages.

If you see a notification about using a language that our translation system doesn't support, here's what you need to know:

  1. Translation System: At Moovick Platform we use the DeepL Translator plug-in for automatic translation. When you write in your native language, our system automatically translates it into to the communication language chosen by the other user, ensuring seamless communication for everyone. It's like having a personal translator.
  2. Supported Languages: You can find the full list of languages supported by DeepL Pro on their website: https://support.deepl.com

Let’s keep it smooth! Remember, patience and kindness ensure good communication for all. Feel free to switch to our supported.

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