How much can I earn as a traveler?

Your earnings depend on:

  • the pricing per kilogram/cubic meters that you offer 
  • If you are willing to offer travel assistance
  • and how often you travel

As a traveler by road, you can earn either by offering a side passenger seat or by charging per item that you transport. Here you can discuss a 'Flatrate' for the service and ask the clients to book you with this price while sending you a booking request through the platform.

As a traveler by air, you can earn either by offering a travel companionship (strictly non-medical) or by charging per kg of item that you deliver. The prices per kilo can be preset in your listing while registering your service as a traveler over the platform. Apart from this, you can also discuss a 'Flatrate' for the delivery of certain valuable items and ask the clients to book you with this price while sending you a booking request through the platform.

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