How Refugees Can Find Employment in Rotterdam: A Comprehensive Guide

Refugees are people known to have fled from their origins to a new country due to wars, natural disasters, or the fear of being harmed. They have less of a tendency to have proper documentation, just like immigrants, before coming into a new country. Like other famous cities, Rotterdam has many individuals seeking refuge in it. Refugees also need to feed and fend for themselves. How, then, do they accomplish this without engaging in social vices? Some industries employ refugees in Rotterdam. Find them out by reading this article.
Understanding the Job Market for Refugees in Rotterdam
The most crucial thing to do to succeed at anything is to understand it. Many refugees need to learn the go-to principle guiding the employment of refugees in Rotterdam. Therefore, learning the right tips is essential to secure a job quickly. These tips include:
- Learning the local language: Most job owners prefer Dutch candidates to ease communication stress. Only some business/job owners speak English as their second language. Therefore, to be on the safer side, they should learn to speak their local dialect.
- Getting an Asylum Residence Permit: This is issued by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service, Dutch (IND), a government agency that oversees the registration of foreigners into the country. The permit is issued for free and only lasts 5 years, after which the holder can get a permanent one and also apply for citizenship.
- Getting a work permit: Termed ‘GVVA,’ the work permit is needed by employees who will be working for more than three months in Rotterdam. It is also required of people who do not have a residence permit and will be residing in the country officially. You can also apply for your work permits in Rotterdam at the IND.
List of Training and Upskilling Resources Available
Many training and upskilling resources have been made available to ease the struggle of finding work as a refugee in Rotterdam. This bold step helps them blend into the workforce and the community they live in easily. Some of these training programs include:
- Rotterdam Learn-Work Programs: Rotterdam has created programs that aim to help refugees learn their language with the assurance of getting a job as a mechanic, a security guard, or a laborer in industries. This type of program will prevent social isolation of the refugees among Rotterdam citizens. It also helps a lot in the aspect of self-expression due to improved language skills.
- Foundation for Refugee Students (UAF): UAF provides support to refugee students and professionals in Rotterdam. This foundation is responsible for carrying out the same function in every other city in the Netherlands. Their services include language training, study preparation, and career counseling. These services aim to provide employment for refugees in Rotterdam and help them get a higher education.
- Refugee Talent Hub: The Refugee Talent Hub is an avenue for connecting refugees with potential employers. It also provides the opportunity for refugees to learn and improve their skills. This sector also hosts events like meet-and-greets, making finding work as a refugee in Rotterdam more effortless and effective.
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), a UN agency responsible for protecting and assisting refugees, and its other partners organize vocational training programs in production and services. These organizations focus mainly on green skills (energy efficiency, waste management, etc.) and digital skills to meet job market demands.
Sectors that offer employment to refugees in Rotterdam
After getting work and residence permits, refugees in Rotterdam can find various forms of employment, thanks to the program designed to integrate them into the workforce.
With the knowledge that some refugees possess skills and potential, Rotterdam has developed several initiatives to support their employment in various sectors. These sectors/industries include:
- Hospitality Industry
Restaurants, Hotels, and catering services always employ people from various backgrounds, including refugees. The services they are employed for range from kitchen staff and housekeepers to customer service providers. Even when they are not fluent Dutch speakers, they can be employed in environments where English is widely spoken. There are other training programs in this sector that help refugees acquire skills for improvement.

- Logistics and Warehousing
Rotterdam has one of the largest ports in the world, making this sector a noteworthy employer in the city. Refugees can find work in distribution centers and warehouses. They can also be employed for handyman services, such as extra muscles and forklift operators. This sector requires physical labor, and many employers are willing to teach while working. Some of these companies offer language support to enhance effective communication.
- Construction
There is a high demand for skilled and unskilled labor in construction, which provides refugees with yet another sector to work in. Refugees who have knowledge about construction can use their skills in projects related to housing and public works. There is also an apprentice program for refugees to learn and develop construction skills, which is highly requested.
- Tech and IT
Refugees with impressive IT knowledge are being presented with lots of exciting opportunities. Many social enterprises and NGOs work to link refugee tech talents with local businesses. One of these programs is called “HackYourFuture.” It offers courses on coding and is specially designed for refugees. These programs help them develop the skills necessary to obtain employment in the IT industry.
Securing Work as a Refugee in Rotterdam
Being a refugee does not deprive anyone of their civic rights. Rotterdam has a vibrant and diverse economy that offers refugees several ways to get employment.
With its strong social support, the city aims to integrate refugees into the workforce. Many social enterprises and NGOs help create refugee employment programs in Rotterdam.
Therefore, to secure employment as a refugee in Rotterdam, follow the detailed steps explained in the article above.
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