DIY vs. Professional Electrical Inspection: What You Need to Know

DIY vs. Professional Electrical Inspection: What You Need to Know


07 August 2024 5 min read
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Your home deserves regular electrical inspections. While some homeowners prefer to inspect the wirings and equipment, others resort to professionals. During these inspections, you discover some parts of the home that need simple or complex fixes. Which is more suitable? DIY vs. professional electrical inspection? In this guide, you will understand both options, helping you to make an informed decision.


Homeowners enjoy simple DIY fixes like changing a light bulb or installing a switch. DIY is cost-effective but loaded with risks. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of DIY inspection.


DIY Inspection Advantages


The singular benefit of DIY vs. Professional Electrical Inspections is their cost-effectiveness. Carrying out your wiring inspections saves you money that would have gone toward professional fees. After inspection, you can fix some of the minor issues within your budget. However, take note of the potential risks involved.


Also, homeowners do it themselves for convenience and a sense of satisfaction. During each inspection, you learn new skills and better understand your home's electrical system. 


DIY Inspections Disadvantages 


While some homeowners understand the basic wiring systems, electrical sockets, and circuits, most need specialised knowledge. If you have little to no electrical training, you may ignore critical issues, spending more time doing less work in the home. 


DIY inspections pose a risk of electrical hazards. If you work with circuits without expertise, you will connect wires incorrectly, forget to turn off the main power while working, or touch live wires. This puts you at risk of severe injuries like burns or fatal ones like electrocution. There is also the risk of sparks and fire hazards with improper connections. Hire a licensed professional to inspect your home's electrical system to avoid these risks.

Professional Inspections Advantages


Trained and licensed professional electricians are best suited for electrical checkups. They understand when you need a minor and major inspection. Here are a few benefits of opting for professional electrical inspection. 




Professionals are familiar with high-voltage systems, making them safe. A professional inspector comes with the necessary tools to assess your electrical connections. They know the areas to determine, from structural integrity to electrical and plumbing systems. They also quickly figure out safe and the red regions that need urgent fixes. 

When they identify these issues, they use the right tools to fix them, leaving your home secure. Hiring a professional inspector assures a thorough assessment, reducing the risk of unchecked risks after inspection.


Legal Compliance 


Hire a professional to avoid code violations. Professional electricians have training and licenses to work with local electrical codes and regulations. They ensure that all inspections and corrections are within industry standards.




Electrical work is risky. If you do it yourself and you get injured, you pay extra for medical treatment. The professional electricians are insured. This means you are not liable for treatment in the case of injuries. Also, any damage to your electrical system during inspection is covered. 

Understanding the Importance of Electrical Inspection


Electrical assessments are necessary for several reasons, one of which is as a form of routine maintenance checks. 


Routine Maintenance Checks


During routine checks, you may discover wear, tear, or potential failures in the system. Routine checks prevent future damages, reducing unexpected outages or costly repairs. They are particularly necessary for ageing homes. Wires get old the same way we paint, and furniture needs changes. You can check for loose connections and leaks and test appliances, including smoke detectors. 

Home Listing


If you are buying or selling a home, you need to use a professional. For sellers, you need to inspect your home to prepare it for a reasonable price with potential buyers. Conversely, buyers need to ascertain that they won't get any surprises once they move in. A professional electrician regularly services systems of different sizes and complexities. They will know where to look for hidden wiring and what to look for, and they can ascertain the credibility of a home's electrical system. You can also get the best advice and safe practices before moving into a new home.

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Common DIY Electrical Inspection Mistakes


DIY electrical inspections can be fun and cost-effective. However, as a novice in the field, you are prone to some mistakes. 


Improper Use of Tools


You may need to use the right tools when carrying out a DIY inspection. Improper tools can be time-consuming and nonproductive—the selection of quality tools matters in electrical assessments. In instances of quick fixes, wires should be of the required size. You may have the correct tools but use them inaccurately. For example, misreading an insulation tester can lead to inaccurate conclusions. 


Wrong Installation 


If you need a new electrical box or some new wires after a successful DIY inspection, you may install them wrongly. You can install your box too far or too close to the wall. With cables, an oversized or underrated wire can blow up the fuse. It's best to get a professional for installation like this.


Overlooking Critical Signs


When you notice warm outlets, flickering lights, or unusual noises, you may ignore them. You may need to recognise core issues like grounding and overloaded circuits, which can lead to overheating and fire outbreaks. A professional, on the other hand, would figure out the meaning of these signs and act accordingly.


Real-time Electrical Inspection Services on Moovick


DIY inspections are adequate for regular checks. While they save cost, they can be dangerous. Investing in a professional home electrician reduces the risk of hazards and keeps your home safe. You can take up minor checks and seek professional help for major inspections. If you need a licensed electrician, Moovick offers expert home electrical inspection providers, ensuring safety and maintaining the quality of your electrical system.

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