Moving from

Ireland to France

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3.5T Trucks

7.5T (+) Trucks

Car (Taxi / Combo)

Perfect for small boxes, airport pick ups and luggage transfer.

Van (7-17 m3)

Great for moving studio or one bedroom apartments with basic furniture items and boxes.

3.5T Truck (20-24 m3)

Best for 1-2 bedroom apartments, small homes moves and commercials goods.

7.5T (+) Trucks

Best for 2 to 3 room apartments and upto 10 standard size pallets

Things to Know Moving from Ireland to France

Do you plan to move from Ireland to France? International relocation like this can be exciting, life-changing, and adventurous at the same time.

France is lovely because of its rich cultural history, food varieties, excellent delicacies, and good scenery. It is the favorite destination for people looking to explore the world, want to change the environment, and have the best glance at fashion.

When planning to move from Ireland to France, the first thing to understand is the type of visa needed to facilitate your permanent relocation to the new country. You must also research various regions to know where to settle for accommodation. 

This blog post will explore how to make moving from Ireland to France easy and smooth. We will also add other frequently asked questions to make your relocation fruitful.

Preliminary Steps to Take When Moving to France from Ireland

There are some preliminary steps to take to move from Ireland to France. Below are some of them:

Get a Valid Passport and National Identity Card

One of the first things to do is to get a valid passport and National Identity Card, which can be obtained from the Irish embassy. After this, you should register with the Irish consulate in France to ensure citizens have access to consular services and assistance in the new country.

Familiarize Yourself With the Language

You should plan to learn and start familiarizing yourself with French, the official language in France. You can start by hiring a French tutor who can teach you effectively or attend classes with others who want to learn the language.

Prepare Your Finances

It is important you prepare your finances for an international move from Ireland to France. You can start by having an account with the French bank and registering your information with the tax, health, and personal insurance office. Registration regarding your income, too, should be done before moving.

Explore the Job Market in France

Exploring the job market and learning about your opportunities in France is essential. You might need to translate your CVs and cover letters into French using a professional translation service, or you can do it yourself after taking French classes.

Be Conversant With the Necessary Requirements and Permanent Residency Regulations

Lastly, it would help to familiarize yourself with the necessary visa requirements and permanent residency regulations. Here, they will decide the type of visa needed to move from Ireland to France.

All these preliminary steps are necessary to make your move and stay in the new country comfortable and easy. When you prepare in advance, you can look forward to a smooth and exciting relocation experience in France.

How do I prepare essential documents for relocation?

It is crucial to prepare all the documents necessary for your relocation. Such documents include birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, and medical records. When planning to move to France, you should ensure that a certified translator correctly translates these documents. Other documents, such as bank statements, employment contracts, and tax returns, should also be ready for the journey.

What are the rights of Irish citizens as EU nationals in France?

Ireland is an EU national, which allows Irish citizens to enjoy some rights when planning to work, study, and live in France. Although these rights are only practicable under some conditions, you can register under the French authorities to enjoy them.

Also, Irish nationals can vote locally and in Europe if they live in France. In addition, they can access the social security benefits in France if they have been paying into the system.

Is finding houses in France easy?

Getting a place to stay in France can be done through various means, such as online portals, estate agents, and newspaper advertisements. Also, you can ask websites and agents to help you search using filters like region, price, and type of house you want.

What are the costs of renting a space in France?

The rent costs depend majorly on the location and size of the property. Getting spaces and rental areas from landlords is cheaper and easier than through third parties such as agents. Although some claim that agencies can provide tenants with additional security and assistance, it is better to get rental areas from those who own them.

How do I arrange for my pets to move to France?

France does accept international relocation of pets because they are pet-friendly. However, you should plan adequately before moving animals from one country to another. If you hire a moving company, they can help with the paperwork and logistics to ensure your pets arrive safely in France.

How do I have access to healthcare in France?

As an EU citizen, using your European Health Insurance Card to access France's healthcare system when you enter the country is easy. This way, you can access healthcare for three months. However, if you plan to live more than that, you must register with the French social security system. All residents in France must register for healthcare at the local CPAM office and consider health insurance coverage for the patient. 

Advice on moving to France

Moving to France can be a daunting task. Hence, adequate preparation and planning are needed. With the information above, we are sure you can make an informed decision about moving from Ireland to France.

At Moovick, we connect you with international movers and real-time moving services to make your transition from Ireland to France easy.

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