Moving from

Germany to Croatia

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3.5T Trucks

7.5T (+) Trucks

Car (Taxi / Combo)

Perfect for small boxes, airport pick ups and luggage transfer.

Van (7-17 m3)

Great for moving studio or one bedroom apartments with basic furniture items and boxes.

3.5T Truck (20-24 m3)

Best for 1-2 bedroom apartments, small homes moves and commercials goods.

7.5T (+) Trucks

Best for 2 to 3 room apartments and upto 10 standard size pallets

Things to Know Before Moving to Croatia

Croatia renewed its popularity in 2018 after playing against France in the World Cup finals. The colorful jerseys of its players attracted people to study the country and consider it a great destination for vacation. Upon further reflection, a lot, fanciful was revealed about Croatia.

Croatia is home to the world's smallest city, Hum, with only about 23 people in it. The country's weather is a gift — warm summers and mild winters, compared to other EU states. There are other things you need to know before you move to Croatia.  This guide gives hands-on information on things you need to know before relocating to Croatia from Germany. 

Peoples: Germany vs Croatia

Germany is loud on tradition and history, and it is deeply rooted in community relationships. Germany has a well-structured social system, and reflected in their daily activities. For instance, an average German is punctual, efficient, and highly organized due to the long-standing structure that promotes these values. 

Croatia on the other hand, although structured too, is not loud on punctuality and personal space. Croatians are spontaneous to time and are more relaxed. Meanwhile, music and dance(Kolo) are the distinguishing feature of Croatia, the coastline and mountainous natural view adds to its aesthetics.

Cost of living in Berlin Compared to Croatia

The cost of living in Berlin is more than the cost of kiting in Croatia. A report from Numbeo says that the cost of living in Berlin is 49.85% times higher than the cost of living in Croatia. A part of this means that you're likely to spend twice the cost of food in Croatia when you are in Berlin.

Here is a table to give you the differences in the cost of living between Croatia and Berlin considering several factors.


Category Croatia  Germany 
Housing (Monthly Rent) €502.89 €825.02
Meal per Restaurant  €9.95 €12.00
Transportation (Monthly) €44.09 €66.00
Fitness/Gym (Monthly) €39.01 €33.82
Entertainment (Cinema) €6.00 €12.00
Salary €1061.27 €2770.69
Utilities (Monthly) €156.63 €272.77
Internet €23.69 €43.16
Difference Between Living in Germany vs Croatia

The difference between living in Germany and Croatia extends beyond cost; the difference is more about the job market, culture, lifestyle, and communication.

Job Market and Economy

  • Germany 

Germany's economy is more diversified. It focuses on technological and manufacturing services. In general, its unemployment rate is low, and you can readily get a job if you're a skilled worker in any of these fields.

  • Croatia 

Croatia has a higher unemployment rate and it is still suffering from the 2008 financial crisis. Its economy is not as diversified as Germany's, but it gives its citizens more leverage to work. The Croatian economy is built on agriculture, renewable energy, and tourism, fields that are not difficult to work, even for unskilled workers.

Transportation and Infrastructure 

  • Germany 

Germany has an extensive transportation system; a well-connected rail road, an advanced autobahn highway system, and a reliable public transport system. 

  • Croatia 

The Croatian transportation system is less extensive than  Germany's, but it has a more reliable public transport system.

How Difficult is it for An EU Citizen to Move to Croatia?

There are no difficulties for EU citizens to move from Germany to Croatia and vice versa. An EU citizen can live, work, and study in a country within the EU state without needing a work permit or visa. However, depending on the country you're visiting,  there are requirements for you to fulfill before and after entering the country. For citizens moving to Croatia, you're required to register with the police 8 days after getting into the country and registering with the healthcare system. 

Pros and Cons of Moving to Croatia


  • Croatia has a more affordable standard of living. Housing, transportation, and healthcare are relatively lower than in other EU states.
  • Croatians are warm and welcoming. You are more social than Germans, and they enjoy connecting with new people.
  • Life in Croatia is more relaxed than in other fast-paced countries.


  • Croatian is the official language in Croatia, and it is less widely spoken in other EU countries. If you're not familiar with the language, you might experience difficulty communicating your mind.
  • The Croatian economy majorly blooms seasonally because it focuses on tourism, a seasonal aspect.
  • Croatia's job market is not diversified.
Croatia's Health Insurance

Croatia is strict on its health insurance system and makes it compulsory for citizens to pay taxes. The Croatia tax system is administered by HZZO (Croatian Health Insurance Funds). Every citizen of Croatia is eligible for health insurance regardless of employment status and income.

Moving to Croatia for Study

Moving to study in Croatia is not challenging if you are within the EU states. In fact, you don't need a visa to travel to Croatia, but you'd only need a temporary residence permit within 90 days of moving there. For people who are not citizens of an EU member state, you'll need to apply for a student visa and require a Croatia permanent residence permit within 30 days of arriving in Croatia. 

Moving to Croatia for Work

Croatia is not as economically diverse as Germany, but it still shows promising opportunities for locals and visitors. To its beauty, you do not need a work permit to work in Croatia; you only need to be skilled in the Tourism and agricultural sector before considering your immigration to Croatia.

Tax Implications: Difference Between Germany and Croatia

Individuals face a progressive income tax system in Germany, while Croatia has a flat tax rate. Germany has higher social security contributions but lower VAT than Croatia. Businesses in Germany face slightly higher corporate income tax rates and VAT but lower payroll taxes than those in Croatia. Non-residents, foreign tax credits, and tax treaties are additional considerations. Consulting a tax advisor is recommended for specific guidance.

Quality of Life in Croatia

The quality of life in Croatia is moderate, with affordable housing and a transportation system for its citizens. The healthcare system itself is not weak, and citizens enjoy quality healthcare services alongside quality education. 

Why Move to Croatia from Germany or Vice-versa?

The warmer climate is the first reason people want to move to Croatia from Germany. Croatia has a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters. It's people are another you may want to consider immigrating to Croatia from Germany. 

A reason you may consider moving from Croatia to Germany is the larger job market. Germany has a larger job market than Croatia, plus its economy is more diverse, too.

Moving to Croatia as a Retiree

Croatia is the retirement plan for retirees because of its relaxing lifestyle, lower cost of living, and beautiful scenery. Retirement in Croatia means that you have access to quality healthcare and quality life. As you'd expect, moving to Croatia from an EU state does not require a Visa but moving to a non-EU state, you'd be required to apply for a Croatia retirement visa. 

Is Moving to Croatia a Good Idea?

Moving to Croatia is a good idea for persons who wish to explore better options for their careers. It is also a great option for retirees looking to spend their time in a relaxing environment. If you're a worker with hopes of working in a tourist site, Croatia is the best for you.

Ready for Your Move to Croatia?

What better time to plan your move to Croatia than now? Beautiful scenery, mountainous regions, and friendly people are the basis of a safe society. We are optimistic that with what you have learned so far, you’ll be more than ready to pack your bags and prepare for the move. For a seamless transition, Moovick connects you with excellent movers in real-time. 

Based on projects, we have a range of services to suit customers of all kinds, and we give space for option picks of the service to optimize cost. Connect now, and feel free to explore all elements of Moovick to your advantage.

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