Moving from

Netherlands to Italy

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3.5T Trucks

7.5T (+) Trucks

Car (Taxi / Combo)

Perfect for small boxes, airport pick ups and luggage transfer.

Van (7-17 m3)

Great for moving studio or one bedroom apartments with basic furniture items and boxes.

3.5T Truck (20-24 m3)

Best for 1-2 bedroom apartments, small homes moves and commercials goods.

7.5T (+) Trucks

Best for 2 to 3 room apartments and upto 10 standard size pallets

Things to know before moving from the Netherlands to Italy

Are you considering an international move from the Netherlands to Italy? Embarking on a new adventure can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this guide, we'll walk you through moving from the Netherlands to Italy and provide important information and answers to your questions to ensure a smooth relocation. Whether you're moving for work, study, or simply seeking a new adventure, we'll help you navigate the processes involved. Get ready to know about the logistics and paperwork involved and adapt to the Italian culture and lifestyle as we guide you through all the challenges and opportunities that await you!

Italy Is a Rich Cultural Region

As you move from the Netherlands to Italy, it's crucial to understand what to expect and how to make the most of your new life in Italy.

Italy is renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unparalleled cultural heritage. From the ancient ruins of Rome to the picturesque Amalfi Coast, the government offers a myriad of treasures waiting to be discovered.

One of the first things to know is that Italy is a diverse country, with each region boasting its unique traditions, dialects, and culinary specialities. From the romantic canals of Venice to the rolling hills of Tuscany, you'll have the opportunity to explore various enchanting destinations.

Italian cuisine is celebrated worldwide, and moving to Italy means indulging in authentic pizzas, pasta, gelato, and a wide array of regional delicacies. 

It's also essential to understand the bureaucratic procedures involved in the move. This includes obtaining the necessary visas and permits, registering with local authorities, and familiarising yourself with the healthcare and education systems.

Embracing the Italian way of life means immersing yourself in a culture that values family, community, and a slower pace of living. Italians are known for their warm hospitality and zest for life, so be ready to embrace the vibrant social scene and build lasting connections.

Whether captivated by Italy's history, art, cuisine, or natural beauty, moving from the Netherlands to Italy promises an enriching experience. We provide reliable information and guidance to ensure a successful transition as you embark on this exciting chapter of your life.

Do I need a visa to move to Italy from the Netherlands?

As both the Netherlands and Italy are part of the Schengen Area, if you are a Dutch citizen, you do not need a visa to move to Italy for short-term stays or visits of up to 90 days. However, if you plan to stay in Italy for more than 90 days or intend to work, study, or reside there long-term, you must apply for a residence permit.

What are the requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Italy?

The requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Italy can vary depending on the purpose of your stay. Generally, you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • A valid passport or travel document.
  • Proof of a valid reason for your stay, such as an employment contract, enrollment in an educational institution, or family reunification.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay in Italy.
  • Health insurance coverage that is valid in Italy.
  • A completed application form.
  • Additional documents supporting your specific circumstances, such as a rental agreement or marriage certificate.

It is important to note that the application process and requirements may vary based on your nationality, the type of residence permit you are applying for, and the local immigration office. It is advisable to consult the official website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or contact the Italian embassy or consulate in the Netherlands for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your specific situation.

What are the best ways to learn Italian and improve my language skills before and after moving?

You can enrol in language courses, hire a private tutor, join language exchange programs, or use online resources and language learning apps to learn Italian. Immersing yourself in the local culture and practising with native speakers will significantly enhance your language skills.

What are the requirements and procedures for opening a bank account in Italy as a foreigner?

To open a bank account in Italy as a foreigner, you typically need a valid identification document (such as a passport), proof of residence or address, and a codice fiscale (Italian tax identification number). Contacting different banks, comparing their offerings, and inquiring about specific requirements and procedures is advisable.

What are the options for healthcare insurance in Italy, and how does it compare to the Dutch healthcare system?

In Italy, both public and private healthcare insurance options are available. The public healthcare system, known as the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), provides coverage to residents. Researching and comparing different insurance plans and considering supplemental private insurance for additional coverage is essential.

What are the best cities or regions to consider when looking for accommodation in Italy?

Italy offers a variety of beautiful cities and regions to consider when looking for accommodation. Famous cities like Rome, Milan, Florence, and Venice are known for their rich history, cultural attractions, and employment opportunities. Other regions such as Tuscany, Umbria, the Amalfi Coast, and the Italian Lakes District offer picturesque landscapes and a high quality of life. The best city or region for you depends on your preferences, lifestyle, and specific needs.

What are the options for schooling and education for my children in Italy?

Italy has a well-established education system with a range of options for schooling. These include public schools, private schools (both secular and religious), and international schools. Public schools in Italy provide education free of charge but primarily offer instruction in Italian. Private and international schools often offer bilingual or English-language curricula. Researching and visiting different schools in your desired area is advisable to determine the best fit for your children's educational needs.

Are there any specific cultural etiquettes or customs in Italy that I should know to ensure smooth interactions with locals?

Italians value politeness, respect, and personal connections. Greeting people with a handshake or a kiss on both cheeks is common. Dressing appropriately, especially when visiting religious sites, is also essential. It's customary to say "Buongiorno" (good morning) and "Buona sera" (good evening) when entering shops or restaurants. Taking the time to learn basic Italian phrases and demonstrating an interest in the local culture will be appreciated by the locals.

Moving from the Netherlands to Italy involves various international considerations. Whether you're seeking information on entry requirements, visa and residence permits, finding suitable cities or regions for accommodation, education options for children, or the services of international movers, thorough research and planning are essential. By familiarising yourself with the specific requirements, regulations, and cultural aspects of your destination country, such as Italy, you can ensure a smooth transition and successful integration into your new life abroad. Remember to consult official sources, seek personalised advice, and consider the assistance of professional international movers to facilitate your relocation process and make your move from the Netherlands to Italy as seamless as possible.

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